
26 Mar 2011

Left and Right Brain Function.

Hearing the words left and right brain, explained that the brain has an arrangement which is divided into three parts, consisting of the reptilian brain, mammalian brain and the brain thinking.
From each part has different tasks according to the specialist way of thinking and his ability.

In the process of left brain thinking is logical and rational, but also able to perform the task of thought expression, writing, reading, choosing between detail and facts as well as symbolic.
The left brain also can respond to inputs that are researching, analyzing, explaining, making decisions and asking.

While the right brain way of thinking is not organized, intuitive and holistic, that is on duty to recognize feelings of emotions, the arrival of something, recognize color, or visual consciousness. The right brain to do its function when human activities such as sports, performing any work or other activities that are visual motor activity. 

The series of left brain and right brain is very important for every aspect of life human. If anyone can use optimally, then that person can do the work or learning activities in accordance with good what is desired.

In everyday life humans are more often using the left brain function than the right brain. For example in a system more use of verbal communication in the field of education or business .
If a person more likely to use the left brain continuously and not balanced with the role of the right brain, then one will tend to have health problems, stress or mental disorder.

Then you can consider yourself, how to think in a balanced way by using the left brain and right brain.
To make the brain function is balanced, in performing work or learning activity you need to enter the music or the aesthetic elements that can lead to positive emotions, which will make the brain work more effectively. Peak performance can be supported with brain power because of the emergence of positive emotions.

You can observe yourself an activity in school or in the course, whether taking the role more just or right brain left alone or use both roles.
In the study, if more frequent use in studying the role of the left brain only, the person will feel tired and bored quickly.

Brain Function in Left and Right Brain Learning.  

From the research mentioned that the human brain's ability in using more or less one percent, due to lack of knowledge about the potential problems of the brain that is so perfect

If you can find out the structure and workings of the human brain in use then you can overcome the potential for an actual brain.
Two human brain hemispheres, left and right hemispheres in a balanced way that enabled the learning activities will be very effective and not boring.

The method is considered the most effective because it can accelerate the understanding of a subject matter which is considered difficult, so the time to learn quicker.

Saturation in continuous learning can cause fatigue in the brain and stressful, because there are many methods of learning are still using and focusing on the performance of the left brain.

To achieve success in learning is not measured by time or duration of the study, but how do I use the left brain and right brain balance. So that will facilitate rapid learning and no saturated or stress. Causes of stress due to uneven performance of left brain and right brain.

Research on the brain in modern science, that a good way of learning must involve emotion throughout the body and five senses.
In addition to learning a different method each person, but not necessarily right for everyone.

In brain research to teaching and learning process, students involved now. So, students not only receive information from teachers, but also create their own knowledge has been gained from experience, the future for discussion of a friend or teacher. 

It takes cooperation between pupils and teachers in teaching and learning to improve student achievement. How teachers can raise student imagination, encourage and engage in teaching and learning and create a fun learning environment.
Pupils will be impressed in learning when presented with an interesting way in memory of students and not easily forgotten. 

Individual Differences in Brain Function. 
- Left Brain.
Process auditory information, glad to speak, write, understand and easy to understand the grammar of a foreign language.  

The pattern of sequential thinking, logic and analysis as well as pleased to make the rules and obey the rule. How to learn a sequence, to remember something with a name or words of the imagination.  
Having school achievement, less happy to challenges, tend to receive more pleased to hear from the questioning and thinking independently. Where do something more fun in groups than alone. The success can be achieved in routine work, otherwise would fail if the job requires creativity. 

- Right Brain.
The process of visual learning, learning by drawing and making his own way is not sequential. Given the information in the form of images due to strong visual memory, whereas memory to hear less strong.  

Memory to imagination can survive for a long time to hear the memory is weak, because the word is heard must be converted first into the picture.  
When considering an event, who remembered the imagination of people or objects and can remember clearly what happened.  
To work or to show something is logically less capable, would rather choose to draw and be creative. Like the work that is free, full of challenges, like music and do not like the rule.

- Left Brain and Right Brain.
Cooperation left brain and right brain, to move the work in accordance with the necessary brainpower.  
If the process involves reading and doing work that is logic, can do so efficiently and in a sequence, as well as having creative abilities, such as drawing, playing musical instruments Having a comprehensive capability to solve problems big and detailed attention. Having the ability to organize from the left brain and creative abilities and brilliant from the right brain.

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