
26 Mar 2011

Mars is still a mystery.

Is There Life on Mars. 
Is there life on Mars? Maybe this is the question most often asked by scientists. Mars itself has become the object of speculation for many people. 
Mars was first observed is in the 17th century. And only 2 centuries later, the astronomer knows that there is similarity between Mars and Earth. Example, the length of a day on Mars is almost the same as on Earth, which means Mars has seasons like the one on earth. These estimates led to the theory of the existence of a form of life on Mars. In 1854, William Whewell, from Trinity College, Cambridge issued a theory that on Mars there is sea, land and even life forms.

The theory about life on Mars finally really popular in the late 19th century when a telescopic observations of the Martian surface to find the mysterious canals. In 1906, A man named Percival Lowell published a book called Mars. In his book he speculates that these canals built by a civilization that has long been destroyed. This idea was also inspired HG Wells to write a story about an alien invasion from Mars to Earth in The War of the Worlds.
Several spacecraft have been sent to investigate the planet Mars, including Mariner 4, Viking and Opportunity. Viking found elevated levels of CO2 in the Martian soil. Therefore, Gilbert Levin, a scientist conclude the existence of life on Mars. Meanwhile, other scientists immediately denied by stating that superoxidant chemicals in the soil could have occurred without the intervention of life. Moreover, 4 billion years ago, Mars has lost its magnetic field so that the ionosphere of Mars does not prevent the occurrence of solar storms or radiation that causes life forms became extinct.


Rate Maya Civilization.

In October 2009, NASA told the results of his research on the causes of the collapse of Maya civilization. Mystery of the Mayan legend that smart is now revealed by the existence of space technology.

The Maya is a tribe that settled in Central  America and between 250 AD - 925 AD they reached the golden age with the technology. The descendants of the Maya is still there, which is their civilization has collapsed in the past.
Mayan famous for having a unique civilization with a high intellectual level. In the stone age they know the art of making buildings, beauty, how to plant and agricultural systems, also known writing called glyphs. 

Very interesting, the Maya left the temple of El Castilo similar to Sukuh Temple in Central Java, Indonesia it has been researched by prof. Gualberto Alonzo and set forth in his book entitled "An Overview Of The Mayan World".
In spite of its great civilization, the Maya civilization eventually collapse. NASA pay for the researchers to be able to explain this.

Using imaging technology space with the satellite images, producing infrared data to identify the hundreds of ancient Mayan cities that we do not know. This is incredible, in which space technology is used in the field of Archaeology.

Mayan cut down the forest to deforested to build the temples, pyramids and monuments of the time. Then came the dry season, lack of rainfall caused the water supply is insufficient to meet the needs of their lives, coupled with the spread of disease outbreaks caused their cities began to disappear one by one. It is estimated that there are also civil war, is reinforced by the discovery of mass graves in some Maya cities.


Hypertension in general.

Hypertension is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal indicated by the number of systolic (upper level) and diastolic (lower level) on examination using a blood pressure monitor blood pressure gauges, and includes sphygmomanometer or other digital devices. 

The normal value a person's blood pressure with height, weight, level of normal activity and health in general is 120/80 mm Hg. In daily activities, normal blood pressure is stable with a numeric value. But in general, the rate of blood pressure decreases during sleep and increased time to run activities or sports. 

If someone had hypertension and did not get the treatment or control on a regular basis, then this may bring the patient into serious cases can even cause death. Continuous blood pressure increases a person causes the heart to work extra hard, this condition ultimately results in damage to the blood vessels of the heart, kidneys, brain and eyes. Hypertension disease is a common cause of stroke and heart attack. 

Tensimeter for systolic and diastolic pressure.

Mangosteen Juice.

Pare plants

Juwet plants

Salam plant.

Bungur plants

Diabetes and Medication.

Diabetes Disease.  
In general, diabetes is found in urban areas. many consider that diabetes is a hereditary disease but the number of people with diabetes is very little recorded because it is caused by hereditary factors. 
Diabetes is generally caused by uncontrolled consumption of food or as a side effect of the use of certain drugs, the following factors that can cause a person at risk for diabetes.

• Factors descent
• Overweight / obesity usually occurs at age 40
• High blood pressure
• Figures Triglycerid (a type of fat molecule) that high 

• High cholesterol levels
• Modern lifestyles that tend to eat instant food
• Smoking and Stress
• Too much carbohydrate
• Damage to the pancreas cells

History and Mystery Gamelan of Java.

This type of traditional musical instrument that came from Javanese culture called Gamelan is still preserved in the Palace of Yogyakarta and Solo.

1. Arts Karawitan Gamelan is a set of Javanese traditional music instrument played by some people to become a harmonious sound or combination referred to as musicians. The word comes from the Javanese Karawitan sauce which means complicated, convoluted, or pepper also contains the meaning of subtle, beautiful, and delicious twist. 
Javanese gamelan music called gamelan, referring to the International music but non-diatonic tone-system (in the barrel slendro and pelog) are processed using a system of notation, sound color, rhythm, instrumental in the form of servings, and a mixture of beautiful vokalia heard.
Gamelan is a Javanese Culture and art heritage of the ancient ancestor that contains the values of historical and philosophical for the Indonesian nation, which is still preserved. 

Java Community before the influence of Hinduism had known ten expertise, such as puppets and gamelan. Historically, Javanese gamelan also has a long history. As with any artistic or other cultural, Javanese gamelan in its development is also changing. The major changes in how manufacturing, while the development of quality concerns. Formerly owned Javanese gamelan ageng confined to the palace. But now anyone who is interested can have it all Javanese gamelans not included in the category. 

Gamelan complete have approximately 72 equipment and can be played by musicians or drummers with accompanying 10-15 singer. Other equipment in the form of drums, fiddle also referred to the bow, xylophone made of wood, wire siter stringed instrument that I play it picked.

Gamelan Java has been recognized internationally and has held many art performances of gamelan in various countries including Europe.

Arts Javanese gamelan has entered the school outside of Indonesia and much demand, ironically in his own country less much demand and tend to be more interested in modern music.


The city of Yogyakarta is the center of batik and souvenirs that are sought after by tourists. Batik art from developed and developing countries in the 15th century.  
At that time the art of batik gets influence from Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam against batik motifs. In this era of batik is made just inside the palace and loved by the daughter of the Palace. 
Craft of batik in Indonesia has many motives that are not only from within the country, but also batik there originated from abroad such as Russia.
Batik design in Indonesia is also varied, including batik from Yogyakarta and Solo batik from the city. Although both use the same material, but this is actually two different batik.  
The difference is in color. Batik Jogja white with black motif, while the Solo batik yellow with no white motif. Use of this batik cloth also vary. In Kraton Jogja, there are standard rules regarding the use of this batik cloth.  
For weddings, batik cloth used should be patterned Sidomukti, Sidoluhur, Sidoasih, Taruntum, or Grompol. As for the show baby birth, batik cloth that may be imposed is patterned batik cloth Picis Ceplok Garudo, Parang Mangkoro, or Gringsing Mangkoro.  
Some examples of classical batik of Yogyakarta, among others: Parang, Geometry, latticework, ivy, plant motifs Water, Flowers, Animals in life and others. Batik at this time not only as a fabric but also as apparel, Bed Covers, Pillow and others. Today batik has become a new trend in society.  

How To Succeed in Learning

How do learning activities effectively.  
Along with each passing year, new school year at the school has 
begins.Instinctively and we should be more eager to learn even harder in order that within this year we passed smoothly and lead to success.  
To achieve these desires is not easy like what we imagined. In order desires can be accomplished successfully, the following tips can hopefully help a little.

- Trying to go to school every day.
Do not feel lazy to get up early, not late for school, especially a solid day with a lesson and not looking for an excuse to not go to school. If there is a lesson that was poorly understood, ask friends or teachers who teach.

- Ready to face all challenges in a later lesson.
In this case, try to always be ready to face the teacher who will give lessons later, of course, be happy and always ready to do the test questions even though the teacher did not tell if there are repeated on this day. Often complained of the students in class by reason of heat, less comfortable, a stern teacher and so forth. 

Of all the reasons you have to deal with feelings enjoy. During school hours teachers explain, listen and absorb what is on explain to these lessons, if necessary, take a small note to summarize these lessons. Keep in mind, try to love every subject in school, create relationships with teachers and friends in the class with the harmony.

- Doing the job on time.
Usually the teachers always give the task a matter that must be done at home which will be discussed in school. It is the obligation of students to complete the task and should not be ignored.  

If there is difficulty to do the problems, discuss with friends, parents at home or workplace tutoring. Never do homework at school, because this will affect the assessment of teachers against students and is not considered discipline.

- Following the Tutoring Club.
Tutoring Before choosing which one will you follow, you should first seek information Tutoring best where you are going to follow later.  

Tutoring is the best will be very helpful in completing the tasks and problems in school lessons. Additionally Tutoring will guide you to learn the questions that have not been discussed in school, meaning Tutoring already preceded the questions that have not been taught a lesson in school teachers, so you are already one step ahead.

- Obligations and responsibilities.
Sense of responsibility is the obligation of a job to be run as a sense of consequence that should be accepted. It is the duty and responsibility towards pupils who have to run and needs to be understood.  

The responsibility is not only home, neighborhood and school alone, but must run in the general population with sincerity as part of an obligation.

Left and Right Brain Function.

Hearing the words left and right brain, explained that the brain has an arrangement which is divided into three parts, consisting of the reptilian brain, mammalian brain and the brain thinking.
From each part has different tasks according to the specialist way of thinking and his ability.

In the process of left brain thinking is logical and rational, but also able to perform the task of thought expression, writing, reading, choosing between detail and facts as well as symbolic.
The left brain also can respond to inputs that are researching, analyzing, explaining, making decisions and asking.

While the right brain way of thinking is not organized, intuitive and holistic, that is on duty to recognize feelings of emotions, the arrival of something, recognize color, or visual consciousness. The right brain to do its function when human activities such as sports, performing any work or other activities that are visual motor activity. 

The series of left brain and right brain is very important for every aspect of life human. If anyone can use optimally, then that person can do the work or learning activities in accordance with good what is desired.

In everyday life humans are more often using the left brain function than the right brain. For example in a system more use of verbal communication in the field of education or business .
If a person more likely to use the left brain continuously and not balanced with the role of the right brain, then one will tend to have health problems, stress or mental disorder.

Then you can consider yourself, how to think in a balanced way by using the left brain and right brain.
To make the brain function is balanced, in performing work or learning activity you need to enter the music or the aesthetic elements that can lead to positive emotions, which will make the brain work more effectively. Peak performance can be supported with brain power because of the emergence of positive emotions.

You can observe yourself an activity in school or in the course, whether taking the role more just or right brain left alone or use both roles.
In the study, if more frequent use in studying the role of the left brain only, the person will feel tired and bored quickly.

25 Mar 2011


It is the orchestra of gamelan music devices that produce sound and meaning through song.
The song is sung have an influence on human life associated with human life.
Items of cultural arts, gamelan conveyed to the public should have the requirement to include should be visible both audio and visual.
With these requirements to meet the criteria karawitan art as cultural products that can communicate to the public.
Visually musicians who played with using a set of tools called gamelan, which each device has its own duties and obligations.
While audio can be felt through the sound melodious gamelan game, who sing songs with different characters.
The song is sung can affect one's soul and feelings, even within the larger scope of society.
In a conclusion that art functions in society karawitan very dominant.
Karawitan can serve as a means of ceremonies, entertainment that are simple or complex.
Karawitan always exist in the human soul, for man to live a life always rhythmic.

22 Mar 2011


Gunungan that contains a variety of agricultural produce and snacks, which will be taken by people and events captured this Gunungan has become a tradition.
Gunungan  is a symbol of cultural communication between the king and his subjects, which means the king who led a very close and concerned citizens.
From King, a symbol of the event was presented by giving some agricultural produce for their people.

21 Mar 2011

Sekaten Ceremony in Surakarta.

Ceremony Traditions Sekaten in Surakarta as the symbolic value of Ceremony Traditions Sekaten in Kasunanan Surakarta Palace, in the form of the origins of convening Sekaten with the establishment of the Kingdom of Demak as a center of Islamic proselytizing by Raden Patah and Wali Songo.    
The spread of Islam was made with the local culture culture with Islamic teachings. For that made a momentum which coincided with the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, which preaches by using the media gamelan. Society was interested, and those who come to the mosque given mission and requested to read the Creed as the pledge and the recognition of self to God.          
This is getting a positive response, and long known as Sekaten. The procession in the ceremony Sekaten Tradition in Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta  that is marked by rung gamelan sekaten, in the Great Mosque for the first time. During one week of the Great Mosque yard filled with crowds, by the traders who sell merchandise typical sekaten, foreign tourists, as well as people who want to listen to the strains of Gamelan Kiai Guntur Madu and Kiai Guntur Sari placed in the Hall of North and South Great Mosque.          
At the peak of the program, issued the Gunungan from the palace. Communities from different regions came to attend the event, including the tradition scramble Gunungan that are trusted by the community will bring blessings and good fortune. Symbols contained in the Folklore Ceremony Traditions Sekaten in Kasunanan Surakarta Palace, which is found in the Gunungan issued by the palace. 

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