
11 Sep 2016

Bad Habits That Will Raise Face Pores

Bad Habits That Will Raise Face Pores

Men or women have pores on the face. A very small body parts can be very disturbing appearance. This is usually due to the custom to make them look bigger.

Not only that, in addition to look bigger, these habits also cause other skin problems. We recommend that whenever possible you immediately stop following habits so that the pores are not clogged.

Squeezing pores and acne
If you want acne is reduced and smaller pores stop squeezing. "When you press the skin and occurs stretch, you contribute to the formation of fine lines, inflammation, and irritation, all of which affect the pore size over time," said Joel Schlessinger dermatology.

Vigorous movement and pressing will transfer oil, bacteria, and other impurities from your hands, causing blockage. Try using salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to clear acne.

Too often touch the face
Think of how many objects that have been touched by the hand and fingers all day? Doorknob, desk, sink, credit cards and so on. Stop this habit by asking friends, family or co-workers to let you know when to touch the face.

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